


委员会目前出版, 在其认可的项目列表中, 它所认可的每个项目的下一次实地考察的年份. 除了, the Commission posts its spring and fall site visit announcements on the Site Visit Process and Schedule area of the Commission’s website for those programs being site visited in the current and next year.  Special site visits and initial accreditation site visits for developing programs may be scheduled after the posting on the Commission’s website; thus, 这些实地考察的具体日期可能无法公布.  Parties interested in these specific dates (should they be established) are encouraged to contact the Commission office. 委员会将在CODA网站上征求有关各方的书面意见. 

The United States Department of Education (USDE) procedures require accrediting agencies to provide an opportunity for third-party comment, either in writing or at a public hearing (at the accrediting agencies’ discretion) with respect to institutions or programs scheduled for review.  All comments must relate to accreditation standards for the discipline and required accreditation policies.  In order to comply with the Department’s requirement on the use of third-party comment regarding program’s qualifications for accreditation or initial accreditation, 制定了以下程序.

Those programs scheduled for regular review must solicit third-party comments through appropriate notification of communities of interest and the public such as faculty, 学生, 项目管理员, dental-related组织, 病人, 消费者在他们的现场访问前至少九十(90)天.  The notice should indicate the deadline of sixty (60) days for receipt of third-party comments in the Commission office and should stipulate that signed or unsigned comments will be accepted, 这些名字和/或签名将在将其转发给程序之前从评论中删除, and that comments must pertain only to the standards for the particular program or policies and procedures used in the Commission’s accreditation process.  The announcement may include language to indicate that a copy of the appropriate accreditation standards and/or the Commission’s policy on third-party comments may be obtained by contacting the Commission at 211 East 芝加哥 Avenue, 芝加哥, IL 60611, 或者拨打1/800-621-8099, 4653分机.   

All comments submitted must pertain only to the standards relative to the particular program being reviewed or policies and procedures used in the accreditation process.  委员会工作人员将对意见的相关性进行筛选.  签名或未签名的评论将被考虑.  与这些问题无关的评论, 个人将被告知,该评论与认证无关, 在适当的地方, 提交给适当的机构.  对于那些有兴趣提交评论的人, 可向委员会办公室提出要求.

All relevant comments will have names and/or signatures removed and will then be referred to the program at least fifty (50) days prior to the site visit for review and response.  A written response from the program should be provided to the Commission office and the visiting committee fifteen (15) days prior to the site visit.  Adjustments may be necessary in the site visit schedule to allow discussion of comments with proper personnel.  Negative comments received after the established deadline of sixty (60) days prior to the site visit will be handled as a complaint. Any unresolved issues related to the program’s compliance with the accreditation standards will be reviewed by the visiting committee while on-site.

具有初始认证状态的项目, and programs seeking initial accreditation must solicit comment through appropriate notification of communities of interest and the public such as faculty, 学生, 项目管理员, dental-related组织, 病人, 以及使用上述程序的消费者.


有时, programs may be scheduled for special focused or special comprehensive site visits and because of the urgency of the visit, 可能无法在九十(90)天的时间框架内征求第三方意见.  然而, third party comments must be solicited at the time the program is notified of the Commission’s planned site visit, 通常在访问前六十(60)天. 在这种情况下,将缩短征求第三方意见的时间. The notice should indicate the deadline of thirty (30) days for receipt of third-party comments in the Commission office and should stipulate that signed or unsigned comments will be accepted, 这些名字和/或签名将在将其转发给程序之前从评论中删除, and that comments must pertain only to the standards for the particular program or policies and procedures used in the Commission’s accreditation process.  All relevant comments will have names and/or signatures removed and will then be referred to the program at least twenty (20) days prior to the site visit for review and response.  A written response from the program should be provided to the Commission office and the visiting committee ten (10) days prior to the site visit.  Adjustments may be necessary in the site visit schedule to allow discussion of comments with proper personnel.  Any unresolved issues related to the program’s compliance with the accreditation standards will be reviewed by the visiting committee while on-site. Negative comments received after the established deadline of thirty (30) days prior to the site visit will be handled as a complaint.                      

All relevant comments will have signatures removed and will then be referred to the program at least fifty (50) days prior to the site visit for review and response.  A written response from the program should be provided to the Commission office and the visiting committee fifteen (15) days prior to the site visit.  Adjustments may be necessary in the site visit schedule to allow discussion of comments with proper personnel.  Negative comments received after the established deadline of sixty (60) days prior to the site visit will be handled as a complaint.

Revised: 8/19; 8/18; 2/18; 2/16; 2/15; 8/13; 8/12, 8/11, 7/09, 8/02, 1/97; Reaffirmed: 8/13; 8/10, 1/03; Adopted: 7/95



参观日期:8月27日至29日th, 2024


  (香港牙医评审委员会,2011年. 芝加哥大道,芝加哥,伊利诺伊州60611)